Friday night on Coast2Coast radio physicist Brooks Agnew shared details about his upcoming expedition to the North Pole, where he hopes to learn whether or not the Earth is hollow. During the discussion he noted that Ed Dames and team had done some remote viewing sessions for him and reported that he should avoid a certain segment of the North Pole as "there is something evil" there. Classic Dr. Doom stuff.
This morning I received a mass email advert re: the Horizon Project: "Newly compiled overwhelming scientific evidence all over our planet and documented throughout history shows that the world as we know it is about to come to an unexpected end."
Not to be outdone, I believe it is now time to add my own warning: do not go to New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Tokyo, London, Madrid, etc., etc. because there's something evil there. In fact avoid all contact with populated cities exceeding 12 persons - preferably persons that you've known since childhood and only associate with them if you are certain they haven't been contaminated by demon possession since your last contact. Or better still, move to a cave in a remote country, and see or talk to no one - you'll be spared knowledge of the inevitable end.
I understand that we are in the midst of environmental, social, and astronomic changes that may result in dire consequences on a planetary scale and yes, surely "the world as we know it" will change significantly. Of that I can be certain - I am old enough to know how we've evolved from simple black and white television, the corner movie theatre, and moon walks to a cell phone in every ear, the global internet, communication satellites on every corner of earth's orbit, and Mars orbits. I expect the next 10 years will bring many unexpected changes -- like cleaner air and water, changes in how we produce and utilize fuel, and social upheavels that swing back toward local controls vs. global controls.
Many changes are headed our way - but the much advertised "unexpected end" part is just not showing up in my premonition monitor, remote viewing, or dream landscape.
~ Shelia
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