Friday, March 16, 2007

An ESP Gap - Then and Now

Has the general citizenry of this country evolved to a new [educated] level of comprehension in regard to the sciences? Some think so. If so, it would appear that serious deficits in comprehending the ways of propaganda remain. Big Pharma, through it's intensive multi-million dollar advertising campaigns, determines both what the man-on-the-street will believe is beneficial, as well as what the doctors will prescribe. In a similar vein, the well-funded Skeptic Campaign is driving the response of the general public through control of how the media approaches the subject of ESP.
~ Shelia

An ESP Gap -- Then and Now:

NOW: The E.S.P. Gap [March 1, 2007] By John Tierney

And a response from Paul H. Smith: Skepticism’s Victory Over Science