Thursday, March 1, 2007

Parapsychology and the Paranormal

What follows is a lengthy discussion of science vs. parapsychology:

Parapsychology and the Paranormal
Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. - 3/1/2007

I. Introduction.
The words "supernatural", "paranormal", and "parapsychology" are prime examples of oxymorons. Nature, by its extended definition, is all-inclusive and all-pervasive. Nothing is outside its orbit and everything that is logically and physically possible is within its purview. If something exists and occurs then, ipso facto, it is normal (or abnormal, but never para or "beyond" the normal). Psychology is the science of human cognition, emotion, and behavior. No human phenomenon evades its remit.

As if in belated recognition of this truism, PEAR (the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory), the ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception) research outfit at Princeton University, established in 1979, closed down in February 2007.

Settle for More

Thursday, March 1, 2007: Paul H. Smith will be on the Settle for More Internet radio program, hosted by Dr. Tom and Bobbie Merrill. It starts at 11:00am Pacific time (2:00pm EST).

Marilyn Schlitz: Consciousness and Healing

News Released: February 28, 2007
(PRLEAP.COM) Join host Alex Tsakiris when he interviews research scientist and Vice President of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Marilyn Schlitz about her journey as a researcher in parapsychology, complementary medicine and anthropology.

During the hour-long interview Schlitz distinguishes between her beliefs and those within the controversial areas she winds up studying: “I don’t necessarily believe all the things that I study. I believe anything that’s an aspect of human experience is valid to study, and there are some areas that have greater potential for breakthrough.”

She also explains how controversial science research remains a taboo subject with many of her peers: “Where people really get animated is in the unofficial domains of after-hours. Either they admit to having some kind of experience they don’t want to admit to publicly, or they just get irrational. I’ve had people spitting in my face because they were so angry with the idea that we could do science on parapsychology.”

The interview is available for immediate free download at:

Dr. Marilyn Schlitz is the author of Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine (2004).

About Skeptiko

Skpetiko is the first scientifically oriented Podcast exploring new research in controversial areas of science such as telepathy, psi, parapsychology, near-death-experience, reincarnation, and after-life encounters. Each episode features open, honest debate on new scientific discoveries. The show includes interviews with top research scientists and their critics.