Thursday, June 5, 2008

George McMullen

George McMullen died last night in the hospital where he had been for some days. His family was with him, and they wish to thank the remote viewing community for their prayers and good wishes. He will be missed.

Remote Viewing Targets

Daz Smith has a selection of remote viewing targets available on his website - great for blind and privately monitored viewing for the shy and the voracious viewer who can't get enough target practice. Remote Viewing Target Monkey

Lyn Buchanan's Target of the Week continues to grow exponentially.

Happy Viewing,

Remote Viewing & the Transformation of Consciousness

The Limitless Mind
Remote Viewing & the Transformation of Consciousness

September 12, 2008 - September 14, 2008
Rhinebeck Campus: Rhinebeck, NY (US)
Tuition: $285 (does not include accommodations or commuter fee)
Member Tuition: $260
Course: SM08-4502-172

What do the healer, the mystic, the psychic, and the spy all have in common? According to physicist and author Russell Targ, they are all in touch with the nonlocal mind-the ability to transcend time and space. In this workshop, we practice and experience a range of psychic abilities, including extrasensory perception, precognition, intuitive diagnosis, distance healing, and remote viewing. We learn how to recognize actual psychic signals and separate them from the mental noise of memory, imagination, and analysis.

We also explore the real X-files and the spiritual implications of psychic abilities, drawing on the mystical Hindu teachings of Patanjali and the Tibetan dzogchen dharma masters.

Recommended reading: Targ and Houston, Limitless Mind and Targ and Hurtak, The End of Suffering.

A pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications, Russell Targ was a cofounder of the previously secret investigations into psychic abilities by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the 1970s and 1980s. Supported by the CIA and many other government organizations, SRI scientifically researched a range of psychic skills, particularly remote viewing, the ability to experience and describe distant events unavailable to ordinary perception. He has written extensively on remote viewing, including his book, Limitless Mind.