Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Zener Cards - online test

The Koestler Parapsycholgy unit is part of the Psychology Department (School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences) at the University of Edinburgh. They have the Zener card test online. What fun! It is entirely possible they've had the test available online for years. But just in case some of you - like myself - don't own a web bot, I am pleased to pass on the info that does come to me.

~ Shelia

Monday, March 26, 2007

Pronk's Review of Entangled Minds

Pronk said it all:
Radin is constantly pointing out that parapsychology research has been endorsed and conducted by top-notch scientists, including a surprising number of Nobel laureates. This might be seen as overly defensive, but it is necessary, given the common "no real scientists believe in psi" criticism. On the contrary, my experience has shown that the most vocal opponents of parapsychology are magicians, armchair "scientists", and other people with no scientific training. Radin points out that the most vocal proponents of psi, on the other hand, are the best that science has to offer. Continued . . .

I have to admit to some really healthy laughter upon reading Pronk's disclaimer.
~ Shelia

Prescott Revists Project Alpha

Michael Prescott revisits Project Alpha, "the famous episode from the early 1980s in which superskeptic James Randi arranged for two young magicians to infiltrate a parapsychology lab in order to confound the researchers. Over the years, this strange incident has assumed almost legendary proportions in the minds of some skeptics and reporters, who claim that the researchers were totally fooled."

After commenting on a report in the Las Vegas Style, saying "I guess Las Vegas Style subscribes to the motto 'print the legend,'" Michael provides us with a link to "the actual facts behind this case": Science Versus Showmanship: A History of the Randi Hoax [pdf format], by Michael A. Thalbourne. From Thalbourne's paper, the following comment re: the outcome of Randi's less than professional antics:

"It is not surprising, then, that eventually Randi’s motivations for the hoax were more widely discussed than the hoax itself. Is Randi genuinely concerned to assist parapsychologists? Or was he using his knowledge of conjuring merely to place himself in the spotlight of publicity as a self proclaimed expert on psi testing? In short, did he behave more like a scientist or a showman?"

Saturday, March 24, 2007

U.S. Psychic Spy Attacks U.K. Study

U.S. Psychic Spy Attacks U.K. Study
By Laurie Nadel, Ph.D.

A psychic spy who participated in the Pentagon's remote viewing program from 1983 until 1990 claims that the British Ministry of Defense remote viewing studies of 2002 had more holes than Swiss cheese. More . . .

The Psychic Hunt for WMDs?

This article stands out among those examining the British MOD remote viewing study - the writer takes a subject-educated perspective rather than clone a mainstream media response. Paul Smith's article "They Think They Know" was an obvious reference source. From Conspiracy-Times:

The Psychic Hunt for WMDs?
Friday, 16 March 2007
In 2001, the British Ministry of Defence decided to test psychics whether or not they could "remote view". Though these efforts were short-lived, they do pose some interesting questions, specifically as to the purpose behind this exercise. Some argue, it was to hunt down Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Holistic physician and author, Larry Dossey

Holistic physician and author, Larry Dossey will discuss his latest work in non-locality, and how simple practices can deliver powerful messages to the body about well being - on Coast2Coast radio this coming Wednesday, 3/28/07.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 23rd: Rhine Conference

March 23rd: Rhine Conference
Rhine Research Center Conference
March 23rd - 25th in Myrtle Beach, SC

The Rhine Research Center is hosting a conference in Myrtle Beach this weekend. The conference, “Consciousness Today: Where Scientists and Psychics meet!” is being held at the Holiday Inn on the Waterway.

Joe McMoneagle will be giving the opening keynote speech on Friday night following dinner from 7:15 - 8:45. Other keynote addresses over the weekend are being given by Dr. Sally Rhine Feather at the banquet dinner, and the closing speaker will be Joseph Chilton Pearce.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Lab has conducted fascinating research on the paranormal

Now here's a fellow who can speak without his tongue in his cheek:

Lab has conducted fascinating research on the paranormal
by Watson Sims
published March 13, 2007 12:15 am

Jahn’s personal history is as interesting as the subjects he has studied. A deeply respected scientist and expert in jet propulsion, he was dean of Princeton University’s engineering school when, as another of the school’s faculty later told me, he “went off the deep end.”

The deep end into which Jahn dived contained riddles that have intrigued man throughout history. Can messages be transmitted by mind alone? Can faith really move mountains? Can dancing Indians induce rain to fall?

Such questions tend to make scientists nervous, and Princeton University has in general chose to ignore, rather than support, PEAR.

Interview with Dr. Charles Tart

Join host Alex Tsakiris when he interviews renowned psychology researcher and author, Dr. Charles Tart about his experiences with the “science of parapsychology”.

Download the interview

Spiritual Growth Withstands Everyday Stress

Guest: Dr. Charles Tart explores his research findings and personal conclusions about spirituality, meditation and transpersonal psychology: “I think we need to have deep spiritual values, and they need to come out of experiences that really teach us at a deep level. They can’t come by somebody preaching at us and telling us how we should feel and so forth. We need a spirituality in our culture that taps into what is real, and taps-in in a deep way, so it will stand up to the stress of everyday life.”

Parapsychologist Rhea White - an exceptional human being

Rhea White has died and moved on into the adventure of adventures.

She ``. . . was known worldwide,'' said Jean Spagnolo, a friend of White's for 55 years. ``In the world of parapsychology, she's famous.'' ~ from Carl MacGowan's account of Rhea's activities.

On Rhea's website Exceptional Human Experience Network you can find comments from her friends.

Friday, March 16, 2007

An ESP Gap - Then and Now

Has the general citizenry of this country evolved to a new [educated] level of comprehension in regard to the sciences? Some think so. If so, it would appear that serious deficits in comprehending the ways of propaganda remain. Big Pharma, through it's intensive multi-million dollar advertising campaigns, determines both what the man-on-the-street will believe is beneficial, as well as what the doctors will prescribe. In a similar vein, the well-funded Skeptic Campaign is driving the response of the general public through control of how the media approaches the subject of ESP.
~ Shelia

An ESP Gap -- Then and Now:

NOW: The E.S.P. Gap [March 1, 2007] By John Tierney

And a response from Paul H. Smith: Skepticism’s Victory Over Science

Sunday, March 4, 2007

How Scepticism Blocks Progress

"In 1794 the eminent Italian physiologist Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-99), one of the founders of experimental biology, published a modest but heretical proposal. Long intrigued by the ability of bats to fly in total darkness without bumping into things, he set out to discover how they did it."

Although Spallanzani's research determined bats navigated through the sense of hearing, his discovery was not accepted, and did not surface again until the 20th century.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Parapsychology and the Paranormal

What follows is a lengthy discussion of science vs. parapsychology:

Parapsychology and the Paranormal
Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. - 3/1/2007

I. Introduction.
The words "supernatural", "paranormal", and "parapsychology" are prime examples of oxymorons. Nature, by its extended definition, is all-inclusive and all-pervasive. Nothing is outside its orbit and everything that is logically and physically possible is within its purview. If something exists and occurs then, ipso facto, it is normal (or abnormal, but never para or "beyond" the normal). Psychology is the science of human cognition, emotion, and behavior. No human phenomenon evades its remit.

As if in belated recognition of this truism, PEAR (the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory), the ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception) research outfit at Princeton University, established in 1979, closed down in February 2007.

Settle for More

Thursday, March 1, 2007: Paul H. Smith will be on the Settle for More Internet radio program, hosted by Dr. Tom and Bobbie Merrill. It starts at 11:00am Pacific time (2:00pm EST).

Marilyn Schlitz: Consciousness and Healing

News Released: February 28, 2007
(PRLEAP.COM) Join host Alex Tsakiris when he interviews research scientist and Vice President of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Marilyn Schlitz about her journey as a researcher in parapsychology, complementary medicine and anthropology.

During the hour-long interview Schlitz distinguishes between her beliefs and those within the controversial areas she winds up studying: “I don’t necessarily believe all the things that I study. I believe anything that’s an aspect of human experience is valid to study, and there are some areas that have greater potential for breakthrough.”

She also explains how controversial science research remains a taboo subject with many of her peers: “Where people really get animated is in the unofficial domains of after-hours. Either they admit to having some kind of experience they don’t want to admit to publicly, or they just get irrational. I’ve had people spitting in my face because they were so angry with the idea that we could do science on parapsychology.”

The interview is available for immediate free download at: http://www.skeptiko.com/index.php?id=11

Dr. Marilyn Schlitz is the author of Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine (2004).

About Skeptiko

Skpetiko is the first scientifically oriented Podcast exploring new research in controversial areas of science such as telepathy, psi, parapsychology, near-death-experience, reincarnation, and after-life encounters. Each episode features open, honest debate on new scientific discoveries. The show includes interviews with top research scientists and their critics.