Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Col. John Alexander - Global Crisis

Col. John Alexander joins George Noory on CoasttoCoast to discuss the unfolding global crisis. Expert on military strategy, non-lethal weapons and the unfolding global crisis, Col. John Alexander will discuss his latest research into how war in South America is producing more casualties than in Iraq as well as other alarming U.S. security issues.



The 2007 Remote Viewing Conference will be sponsoring a raffle and silent auction on Saturday, October 20, 2007. Only conference attendees can participate in the raffle and the silent auction. Raffle tickets will be $2.00 each.

All donations (and the donor's name) will be listed on the 2007 Remote Viewing Conference web site. These donations will be used for the sole purpose and benefit of the IRVA raffle and no donations will be awarded or gifted for any other purpose. Please visit the conference web site at http://irvaconference.org/Raffle_ Auction.html to view our current list of raffle and auction items.

If you have any questions, or would like to donate a raffle prize or auction item, please contact Cheryle Hopton at chopton@embarqmail. com.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Cheryle Hopton
Conference Coordinator