Sunday, February 18, 2007

Truth or coincidences?

Truth or coincidences? Kristal Brent Zook, associate adjunct professor in the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, wrote an editorial that restored my perspective of thinking people to one of good cheer.

Following the announced closing of the PEAR lab the number of negatively slanted, some bordering on vindictive, articles about PEAR's 28 years of research, took me by surprise. I had actually begun to think the lid was off the box, the genie sprung from his eternal prison, and that progress might be made in leaps and bounds during the coming decade. The media wave greeting PEAR's demise said otherwise. However, today I discovered one thoughtful person with the courage to consider more than official 'opinion' doled out by AP to institutionalized media clones. And this makes all the difference.

Truth or coincidences?

Tiny URL:]

Good reading! Shelia