Saturday, February 3, 2007

A Curious (and undaunted) Mind: Dean Radin

I have to applaud Dean Radin for his fearless and undaunted stance in dealing with the ridicule of a timid establishment that seeks to quash all curiosity - and yet, with the oddest twist of character, the same suspects demonstrate the temirity to present themselves as scientists.
Dr. Radin demonstrates a mastery of the art of non-attachment.
- Shelia
News Released: January 30, 2007
(PRLEAP.COM) Join host Alex Tsakiris when he interviews parapsychologist Dr. Dean Radin of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, about navigating the perilous field of parapsychology research. During the 45-minute interview Radin suggests paranormal experiences are more common than most scientists publicly admit.
“In private, virtually all scientists, including the most severe skeptics, will admit to interesting things that go bump in the night. In public, they’ll find a completely different way to talk about their experience,” Radin says.
He also discusses the challenges psi researchers face.“If you portray a controversial message, it would appear that the more conservative you are the better, but I believe this is actually false. I know a number of colleagues who were absolute mainstream, with no connection to anything controversial at all expect for psi, and they were marginalized only because of their interest in this field” claims Radin.

And, how he navigates the controversy. “I don’t care too much what other people think about what I do. I’m much more interested in exploring and finding out about the nature of the world. So, if someone makes a claim that seems incredible and I have the time and the interest to look at it – I go look at it,” Radin explains. The interview is available for immediate free download at:

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