Saturday, March 17, 2007

Lab has conducted fascinating research on the paranormal

Now here's a fellow who can speak without his tongue in his cheek:

Lab has conducted fascinating research on the paranormal
by Watson Sims
published March 13, 2007 12:15 am

Jahn’s personal history is as interesting as the subjects he has studied. A deeply respected scientist and expert in jet propulsion, he was dean of Princeton University’s engineering school when, as another of the school’s faculty later told me, he “went off the deep end.”

The deep end into which Jahn dived contained riddles that have intrigued man throughout history. Can messages be transmitted by mind alone? Can faith really move mountains? Can dancing Indians induce rain to fall?

Such questions tend to make scientists nervous, and Princeton University has in general chose to ignore, rather than support, PEAR.

Interview with Dr. Charles Tart

Join host Alex Tsakiris when he interviews renowned psychology researcher and author, Dr. Charles Tart about his experiences with the “science of parapsychology”.

Download the interview

Spiritual Growth Withstands Everyday Stress

Guest: Dr. Charles Tart explores his research findings and personal conclusions about spirituality, meditation and transpersonal psychology: “I think we need to have deep spiritual values, and they need to come out of experiences that really teach us at a deep level. They can’t come by somebody preaching at us and telling us how we should feel and so forth. We need a spirituality in our culture that taps into what is real, and taps-in in a deep way, so it will stand up to the stress of everyday life.”

Parapsychologist Rhea White - an exceptional human being

Rhea White has died and moved on into the adventure of adventures.

She ``. . . was known worldwide,'' said Jean Spagnolo, a friend of White's for 55 years. ``In the world of parapsychology, she's famous.'' ~ from Carl MacGowan's account of Rhea's activities.

On Rhea's website Exceptional Human Experience Network you can find comments from her friends.